01. "FETAL BLAZE" - a brutal death metal song
02."TELLURIAN CROWN" - death with clearn male voc. you can find this
song on
Ancient Ceremonies #5 CD
03. "SELF INVOKED" - brutal stuff , a little reminds me deicide.
04 "TORCHBEAKER" - cool song , made in memory of the victims of
heavens gate with touch of black metal and nocturnus'ish keyboards
on background.
05 "FINAL STATE PART 2 (LAST ENTRY)" - a death metal ballad!
06"THROWN OFF THE SCENT" - violin and tambourine on intro : after
starting brutal death/black attack!
07 "MILLESTONE" - death metal song with touch of black , cool temp
changes, solos and keyboards.
08 "IN THE DARK MIDST OF WINTER" - accoustic stuff , with keyboards
, violin, clearn male voc and (of couse) accoustic guitars.
CD-run-time is more than 70 min, but there is a 30 min of silence
recorded on. In last 4 min you can find a techno/black "song"... no
This album stands upon the Crowd of other swedish boring bands
cloned around. album is good. you can find it at your local store or
at pulverised mail order.
good luck unmoored on swedish death metal front!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
![EISENVATER BIOGRAPHY](../../..//im/bio2.jpg)
In the early spring of 94 guitarist/vocalist Christian, guitarist
Rickard Larsson and bassist T. decided to put their own death metal
band together and it was not long before "UNMOORED" went with all
sails set. Back then it was with a drummer who due to lack of skill
sometime later voluntarely quit the band. A couple of songs were
made and recorded, even though the trio were suffering from the
absence of a drummer and consequently had to tape the whole thing
with the poor help from a drum-machine. The demo entitled "Wood
Chuck Tune" turned out to be more of a pointer in the individual
process of developing and expanding the musical elements, rather
than a self-evident milestone.
Not until the spring of 95 a new drummer was recruited and with the
line-up now complete a new demo called "In The Shadows Of The
Obscure" was recorded in the summer that same year. It showed a more
progressive side of the band, containing less brutality than its
predecessor. Instead the quartet tried to focus more on dynamics and
harmonies this time around, experimenting with a view to musically
ripen, but still they felt like there was something missing! So
after some soulsearching months the material for the third and final
demo to date, "More To The Story Than Meets The Eye", slowly but
surely started to come about. Being recorded and released in the
summer of 97, the demo was generally very well received. It got the
band contracted and in the winter of 97 "Cimmerian" was recorded at
Sunlight studios under the engineering eye of Tomas Skogsberg. Due
to several reasons the album got delayed and wasn't released through
Pulverised Records until the early summer of 99. During this time
the band went through some critical, as well as important changes.
Among other things they lost their drummer, Niclas. Luckly Jocke
Pettersson, co-producer on "Cimmerian", was willing to help out.
With his skilled technique and experience gained from drumming in
bands such as Thy Primordial and Dawn, he reinforced the band in the
preparations for their second album, entitled "Kingdoms Of Greed".
It was recorded and produced by Tommy at studio Abyss during two
isolated weeks in October 1999
2010 update
It's been seven years now since we occupied Studio Abyss together
with producer Tommy Tägtgren to record Indefinite Soul-Extension. I
brought my old video camera with me in hope of capturing some of the
action at the studio. The old tapes have been laying around
collecting dust since then, but before committing them to the fire
(pun very much intented) we decided to digitize them and edit the
material together for you guys. It's funny how time flies and it's a
very strange realization that YouTube were three full years away
from becoming a reality back then, so it's a very cool feeling being
able to show you a behind the scenes of the recording at Studio
Abyss and also to put up the very first studio session I ever had
the pleasure of documenting.)
Christian Alvestam:
Jesus fucking christ...was I a big fat blob back in 2002, or
what....hell yeah! I look like a goat-bearded version of the
marshmallow man from the movie Ghostbusters...hehe! Luckily my
ravenous appetite seems to have fallen off a bit since then, not
being quite the same big balded bloke these days. Flabbiness aside,
I remember these recording sessions being a couple of very hectic
ones, but also very inspiring and fun at the same time. A session of
beer galore in convivial company, but many times also consisting of
exhausting 16-hours working days. It was indeed a very demanding
album to put together, in every aspect, so it's with joy, mingled
with terror, I look upon this footage, cause it sure takes me back!
I am however still very proud and satisfied with the outcome and
what we all achieved and accomplished back then. This album is one
of those rare ones that will always have a special place in my
arteriosclerotic heart!
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