Dominium (first known as Unknown Dimensions) unleashed their
fantastic debut demo, titled 'The Kingdom Of Unknown", in 1997. Metal fans
described their music as "delicious black metal with elements of ambient and
traditional heavy metal". Dominium were originally founded in 1996 by two
persons: Mark and Voit (respectively on guitar and synths).
In 1997 four new members joined the band, and Dominium released their first demo
titled: 'The Kingdom Of Unknown". Dominium spent most of 1997 playing gigs
throughout Poland -during that time they played on two famous metal festivals -
Vox Mortis Festival and Metal Monsters Festival.
in 1998 Bart (ex - Hermh)- a new vocalist - joined the band. With Bart on vocal,
Dominium released the second demo: "Devilish Flames", and after months of
negotiations they have finally signed a deal with Metal Mind Productions.
In early 1998 Dominium recorded a debut album - "Unknown Dimensions" - with this
record Dominium quickly received credit and attention on Polish metal scene,
which resulted among others in playing a wonderful concert during the Metalmania
'99, the biggest metal feast in Poland.
In 2001 we received a new great album from Slayer and Vacter's followers:
"Stigmata". Nine tracks in English plus one videoclip make this second in the
group history album. Good, genuine death metal. Undoubtfully, groups like Polish
Lux Occulta or American Nocturnus have gained a very strong competitor -
![DOMINIUM - PSYCHO PATH FEVER (METAL MIND PROD. 2002)](2002_asguard.jpg)
![ENTER CHAOS - DREAMWORKER (METAL MIND PRODUCTIONS, 2002)](2002_enter_chaos.jpg) |